*Due to the high risk area that M serves in, we have concealed her name.
M is serving in South Asia and has been since being sent out from Cross Church in 2021 through the International Mission Board. She is currently in a 2-year term that will end in August 2023 and plans to go back as a career missionary with the IMB in South Asia.
M is focused on urban work in some cities in South Asia ranging in population from 700,000 people to 15 million people. Knowing that IMB personnel will never be enough to reach this field, M works to pair sharing the gospel and church planting with identifying and discipling national believers whom God is calling to reach the lost in their own cities. Common religions are Hinduism, Islam, Tribal Religions, Sikhism, and Jainism. There is a Christian presence, but many church communities have become culturally defined rather than spiritually believing.
For more information on South Asia, visit imb.org/south-asia